Revised asbestos licence application form

The HSE has made some small changes to the asbestos licence application form and guidance documents. Latest versions now available.

These revised documents will be used for licences that expire from November 2020 onwards.

Asbestos Licence Application Form V7.2

The evidence document/information required is now listed in the pre-populated evidence table, and if an applicant does not use a document which is requested, the applicant needs to record that and briefly explain why. For example, the use of SOPs is not a statutory requirement and may not be part of the operation of a business. Noting that those documents have not been submitted will allow HSE to be clear that a document is not present, rather than being missed off the submission of evidence.

Evidence Guidance V7.2

Guidance is now included for Section 5 (Decontamination / Site Cleaning & Preparation for Reoccupation / Management &  Disposal of Asbestos Waste), and emphasises the need to correctly submit evidence e.g. clearly name and reference documents and include the section number in the email title, as well as, clearly referencing the relevant parts of these documents in the application form.

These latest documents are available on the ARCA website.